Node.js interview questions for beginners 2024

Node.js interview questions for beginners 2024

Yaluwatath kiyanna :)

Node.js interview questions for beginners 2024 is for you. Are you gearing up for your first Node.js interview in 2024? Look no further! This comprehensive guide on Node.js interview questions for beginners is designed to help you navigate the most common questions and answers. Whether you are a fresh graduate or transitioning into web development, understanding these key concepts will give you the confidence to ace your interview. From the basics of Node.js to practical coding questions, we’ve got you covered with the latest and most relevant topics for 2024. Start your preparation now and step into your interview well-prepared and ahead of the competition.

Node.js interview questions for beginners 2024 are essential to master, as they cover the fundamental aspects of this popular runtime environment. Our guide ensures you are well-prepared to tackle these questions with ease. Start your preparation now and step into your interview well-prepared and ahead of the competition.

1. What is Node.js?

Node.js is a Javascript runtime environment that uses the V8 engine to execute Javascript code on the Server Side. It is designed to build Scalable and high-performance network applications using an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.

2. What is package.json

The package.json file in a node.js project contains all the metadata required for the project. This includes the project name, version, description, author, and license. It also manages dependencies, defines scripts for common tasks, and can consist of configuration settings for various tools and libraries. It helps maintain, share, and deploy the Node.js application efficiently.

3. What is an EventEmitter

An ‘EventEmitter’ in Node.Js is a class that allows objects to emit named events and have listeners that respond to those events. It is a core feature in Node.Js for handling asynchronous events.

4. What is a callback function in Node.js?

A callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed after some operations have been completed. In Node.js callback functions are commonly used to handle asynchronous operations.

5. What are Streams in Node.js?

Streams are a powerful way to handle data in Node.Js. They Are used to read or write data continuously rather than handle the entire data simultaneously. his makes them particularly useful for working with large files or data resources, such as reading files line-by-line or processing data as it is being received from a network.

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